Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 3, 2008: "Clones' offspring may be in food supply: FDA"

Clones' offspring may be in food supply: FDA

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Food and milk from the offspring of cloned animals may have entered the U.S. food supply, the U.S. government said on Tuesday, but it would be impossible to know because there is no difference between cloned and conventional products.

The battle of the ethics in cloning animals once again comes to the spot light. The FDA has released information that products made from the offspring of cloned animals may has leaked into the US food supplies. Now, it is apparent that many people are against cloning animals for religious purposes. But, there is no difference at all between the cloned products and the regular ones. So why does the FDA release this information? Only negative recoil can come from this. Since they are the same, wouldn't it be better to just not say anything. Or they could at least wait until they knew for sure.
On the other side of this, there are about 600 cloned animals in the US. This is a new step into a world undiscovered. The consequences are unknown and the benefit is minimal for now. I feel cloning should be left at the college science fair level in order to prevent an problems that occur from it. We don't know, we may soon be torturing cloned animals (for research or cosmetics, anything) with the argument of they don't have souls. This just seems like a bad idea to me.

Why gamble in game you can't win. The excitement isn't worth your savings.

Thank you Christopher Doering and Yahoo News.

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