Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6, 2008: "Colombia foils bomb plot after rescue"

Colombia foils bomb plot after rescue

BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia found explosives set to be used in bombs across the capital in reprisal for this week's rescue of leftist rebels' highest-profile hostages, including Ingrid Betancourt, military officials said on Saturday.

Coming off the rescue of the 15 captives that were rescued after several years of captivity. According to the article nearly a ton, as in 2000 pounds, was recovered from a farm outside of Bogota. The article is unclear of whether or not the rescue is related to the recover of the explosives. But the page does tell of how the explosives were suspected to be used within the next few days in a series of attacks over the capitol.
I do not mean to take anything away from how great of a victory this is for the Columbian military and it's people, but I am scared for the people of Columbia. If these explosives, 2000 pounds of them, were to be used in the capitol this week, then thousands of people could have lost their lives. Luckily the military spoiled the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia, FARC, just in time. But if I was living in Columbia, I would not feel any safer after reading this article.

This is the same as would you rather see a cheater sitting next to you be dragged out of the hotel or not. On one hand having him dragged out makes you feel safer the casino is doing their job. On the other hand that man has been sitting next to you for hours and you have lost three hundred dollars. Instead, the downside here is countless lives instead of money you were prepared to loose anyways.

Thank you Saul Hudson and Yahoo News.

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