Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 12, 2008: "As planet swelters, are algae unlikely saviour?"

As planet swelters, are algae unlikely saviour?

OSLO (AFP) - As the world mulls over the conundrum of how to satisfy a seemingly endless appetite for energy and still slash greenhouse gas emissions, researchers have stumbled upon an unexpected hero: algae.

Is this the hot new breakthrough for scientists or just another type of false hope? Basically the algae will be used to remove carbon from the atmosphere. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE, the algae can also be used to produce energy. AND IF YOU CALL NOW, okay, enough with that, but the third purpose is to use the "leftovers" as a type of fertilizer. So what is stopping us from doing this, it seems perfect right? Helping the environment while helping ourselves is what American's crave. The main problem is that its three uses have worked on the laboratory level. There are some big issues to be dealt with before the algae can be used in a commercial market. One of the main problems is trying to make it cost-effective.
But, the big question is, "Could this be the next big thing?". Simply the answer is yes. As long as there is a way to make the algae cost-efficient, there is nothing holding it back. It helps three causes and has no downside. Even if the algae is burned after it absorbs CO2, the CO2 does not return to the atmosphere. This will greatly reduce greenhouse emissions from industrial sites. The aspect that makes this really appealing is that most companies and consumers will not have to change or adjust in any way, but the same time will be helping the environment. This seems to be the perfect solution, but how long will it take to get this algae out of the laboratory?

This is better than going to the grocery store for potatoes, and finding out that one dollar from your purchase goes to fighting AIDS. Makes you feel good but you still don't have to do anything.

Thank you Pierre-Henry Deshayes and Yahoo News.

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