Thursday, July 17, 2008

July 17, 2008: Study shows value of food diary in losing weight

Study shows value of food diary in losing weight

I would like to start off this entry by saying that America is now number two (2) on the most obese countries list, Australia has taken over the crown as the chubbiest country. Now America's recent decline is not believed to be because Americans have lost weight, but because Australians have put more on. So this article comes along and gives new hope. Even though there are dozens of studies that show a food diary not to work, this one study that says it does, gets all the attention. Everyone wants to know the good news. Now I am not against food diaries, but using one along will not help you loose the weight.
Everyone is simply different. And because we are different, different things work for us. If you take two similar people who have about the same weight, lifestyle, and spend the same amount of time exercising a week, and have them use the food diary system. One may loose weight while the other fails to do so. Simply because we are all different. If someone likes the food diary and uses it frequently and it helps them loose weight then great for them. But that doesn't mean we need a diary to loose weight. I feel the secret to loosing weight is finding the exercise regiment you enjoy. For me this is swimming.

Some people swear Advil is the best pain reliever while others stand by another brand. The same treatment does not work for every patient.

Thank you Will Dunham and Yahoo News.


Mharms said...

im good..
what happend to ur thumb?

Mharms said...

hey u should take much care when playing..

Karen and Gerard said...

Congrats to Australia for passing us up! I used a food journal when I was working out with a trainer at Fitworks. It just helped the trainer to know what I was eating and certain things were like a red flag. If you keep it accurately, it helps you to at least know what you ate and perhaps see a pattern of fatty foods or high calorie foods that you could easily cut out or substitute something healthier for.