Friday, July 18, 2008

July 18, 2008: "U.S. air strike kills 47 civilians: official"

U.S. air strike kills 47 civilians: official

JALALABAD, Afghanistan (Reuters) - A U.S. coalition force air strike on Sunday killed 47 civilians, including 39 women and children, in the eastern province of Nangarhar, an Afghan official said on Friday.

Now it is still unclear if those who were killed were civilians or not. But the main issue is that the people of Afghanistan believe that they were. The majority of the people being women and children. As if the barrier between the people of Afghanistan and the U.S. military could not be big enough as it is. Now this comes along. Also, many similar incidents have occurred over the last six months.
A major help when fighting on foreign soil is the support of the native people that live there. With stories like this arising, there will continue to be less and less support for the troops over there. Obviously these incidents are very complicated but mistakes like this cannot be made. It is as simple as that. If nearly fifty people are being killed because of our air strikes then we may be better off with just leaving. America has no room for error as the troops are already not trusted by the innocent and non-innocent people back East.

Winning this war is a nearly impossible task. Doing this without innocent casualties is even harder. But once you enter yourself in a problem, you cannot run away from it.

Thank you Mohammad Rafiq and Yahoo News.


Mharms said...

everything's fine here..looking for a job

hannahd said...

lol wow thats amazing
yeah i didnt guess it either
wow yours is like all professional nice job there